AAP FactCheck – Verdicts

AAP FactCheck applies the following verdicts to each fact-checked claim.

The verdict is designed to provide a clear and simple conclusion that is supported by the detail of the article and reference material.

  • True ÔÇô The claim is accurate.
  • Mostly True ÔÇô The claim is largely accurate but includes minor errors or problems.
  • Mixture ÔÇô The claim includes accurate information but also significant errors or problems.
  • Mostly False ÔÇô The claim is mostly inaccurate but includes minor elements of truth.
  • False ÔÇô The claim is inaccurate.
  • Misleading ÔÇô The claim is accurate in parts but information has also been presented incorrectly, out of context or omitted.
  • Unproven ÔÇô There is not enough evidence to determine the claim’s accuracy.