Frequently asked questions

What is Newswire?

AAP’s Newswire provides a continuous stream of breaking news and information ÔÇô as it happens ÔÇô delivered by a national network of professional journalists and producers. Stories, photographs and video, ready-to-use for all platforms and channels.


Pitch-perfect and original content covering all major stories ÔÇô national, world, sport, finance and entertainment. We provide our services to a range of customers ÔÇô media, corporates, government, brands/agencies, education and sporting bodies.


Newswire has a well-deserved and trusted reputation for accurate, balanced and reliable content delivery.

I can’t log in to my Newswire account

Firstly, please check the following:

  • Have you entered the correct username/password combination?
  • Remember usernames and passwords are case-sensitive┬á
  • Is the Caps Lock key on?

If you are still experiencing problems, or have forgotten your username or password, please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

For out of hours support, please call +61 2 9322 8727 

I can’t find a certain story in my Newswire feed or subscription

Do any of the following apply?

  • The story may not have been coded for the service you subscribe to and is unavailable.
  • The story may have been removed by our editorial staff for legal or content reasons.
  • The story may be old and has been purged from the database.
  • The story may not be part of your subscription.

If you would like to know more, please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

My text service is failing

In the case of your text service dropping out, we can provide access to a back up platform to access text content.

If you receive a continuous service via FTP, we recommend that clients monitor disk space, to avoid any disruption to your service. Regular dumping of files will be required.

Please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

My subscription website is unavailable

Please consider the following:

Are you able to connect to another website?

If not, are there technical issues affecting your internet connection?

If you’re only experiencing a problem with an AAP site, please contact your account manager or contact us here.